Tayci is still quite obsessed with her sister... and her Gama Frankie. we had so much fun at the zoo. And yes this picture was taken in June the parka may have thrown you off, I'm glad real summer is finally here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Well Tayci just woke up from her nap, so I'll have to update later. This is the latest of the girls
Monday, April 12, 2010
I'm a dork and entered Chloe into a baby contest, but the grand prize is a $4500 nursery from Babinski. So I would love for you all to vote!! http://971zht.clearcontests.com/front/OpenContest.asp?Action=Login&SurveyID=63809&zx=361 Chloe is # 689
Thursday, April 8, 2010
We did a little photo shoot at Bobbi Whitney's yesterday, here is a little preview.
Chloe Breen was born Monday March 29th at 1:46. Chloe weighed 6 lbs and 1 oz. 20 in. long. Everything went perfect this time. My Dr. was in town and my labor was only 6 hours. It was opposite of Tayci's delivery in every way. My recovery on the other hand has been rough, I developed 2 different infections. Today is the first day I've gotten out of bed since Friday, I think the antibiotics are finally working and I'll be good to go by tomorrow. Chloe is so easy and content. She has been sleeping 4 to 5 hour stretches at night which is saving me! Last night I had to wake her up after 6 hours. Its been a crazy journey so far, but so fun and rewarding.
We finally get to bring Chloe home. It was hard to situate her in the car seat I forget how tiny babies are.. We brought her home at 5lbs 8 oz.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Last sushi dinner with Pete and Tiff and Nate and Kimi, we started this tradition when I was preg with Tayci, so fun. Wow I can't believe I'm almost done! I didn't take any preggy pics of me this time. So last week I thought i better take a couple. The second time around sure goes by faster..I thought for sure my baby would be here by now, so I am getting impatient, yet grateful she didn't come when she threatened at 31 weeks. My cute friend Kelsey and I were due on the same day, april 6th, but she is luckily holding her baby right now. Lucky dog, hopefully I'm right behind her.
I've been getting out all the baby stuff and washing Tayci's newborn clothes. She's not having it, she has been asking for a binki, and bottle, which she's been off for more than a year. She pulls all the baby's stuff out and says it's hers and try's on all the the tiny baby clothes... I'm going crazy, I don't know what things I should give in on and what things to not let her do. HELP.. I don't want to start over with the binki and bottle thing but maybe if I let her try it again she won't think it's too fun.. who knows!
Adam's friends had a surprise party for his birthday. Tayci kind of thought it was her party!
Jungle Jims with cousin Oakley, they had so much fun. I made Jenna ride with them because I'm too large to fit in any of those rides. It was pretty funny. I didn't know this place was still around my mom used to take us when we were little and we thought it was the craziest theme park..ha ha
Just playing
We put Tayci to bed one night and about 10 min later she came walking in our room and says, "i'm back!" So we changed her crib into her big girl bed, she loved it and thought it was so fun. I however didn't think it was so fun, she started waking up in the night and coming in our room. So option 2 was to buy a crib tent, so she sleeps in her pack and play with a tent over it where she stays all night!! Every month it's something new to figure out! She's pretty handy
Tayci turning the big 2! We had a big family party on sat night.Yesterday was her real birthday, I was sad to miss most of it, good thing she is young enough to not know. I was in the hospital with pre-term labor and placenta abruption. It was the weirdest night laying in the same room with my exact same nurse that delivered Tayci 2 years previous. I thought i might have 2 girls with the same birthday, but they were able to get things under control and sent me home on bed rest. I can't believe how fast she has grown up it has been the best 2 years..I will say the terrible 2's are real though. I thought that was a myth because she is so helpful and happy all the time..until about 2 weeks ago, she is so sensitive and cries over everything and so strong willed. She wants everything her way. She has learned to climb out of her crib, which has destroyed nap time. She is so much fun, but getting some serious attitude! Each stage only last so long so you've got to enjoy it.
Kate Perry's birthday party! So much fun.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
discovery museum at the Gateway! Why didn't I know about this earlier! Tayci, Gavin and Oakley had a blast we could have stayed there all day it was so fun.
Jake and I have been married for almost 4 years. We had our first baby on Feb.3. We've lived in Rose Park, Sugar House and now Heber. We love the quiet little town, especially in the summer because deer creek is 5 min away, we live at the lake. We both work in Salt Lake However, Jake is a real estate agent for Prudential and I do hair at Images Salon. Luckily Jake has a natural gas car, so we don't stress about the gas. It cost $4 to fill up. We are loving life with our new edition she makes life so meaningful.