Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The 1 second of the day that she keeps a bow on! She hates anything on her head.


Abbie O. said...

I LOVE her!! When is Miss Taycie coming to visit me again?? :)

Copinga's said...

She is so cute! I'm excited to see her next week.

Meg and Nate said...

I can't believe she's already 1! Time goes by so fast. We need to get together soon.

Lombardi Update said...

Wow, one year old. She is beautiful, the bow is adorable.

Jeff and Linz said...

Oh she is too adorable for words! I just love her little face! Miss you guys!

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

Thanks for letting us stay at your place in St. George. We had a blast!! The only thing it needed was a built in babysitter. haha!! Loved it. Thanks again! Vic was saying tayci had RSV...Bummer Finley has had croup all week. There is nothing worse than sick kids.