Friday, February 29, 2008

Tayci 3 1/2 weeks old. Jake bought her this cute preemie outfit for Christmas and forgot about the whole seasonal aspect and babies growing so fast. I thought I would put her in this for a day for him and keep her in blankets, heaven forbid an outfit should go to waste.There's no way it will fit her in a couple of months when it's warm. I can't believe how fast she's grown already.


Team Box! said...

Hey babe! I'm so sorry, when you called me I was in sunvalley. Thanks for your email. times are a bit stressful, and confusing right now.
I can't believe she's almost 1 mth old, ahhh, I need to see the sweetie!! I'll call ya.

Kristin Morgan said...

She's getting so big so fast! You are right, I probably won't recognize her the next time I see her! Sorry about not mentioning Harry- I've just been so consumed with wanting to talk about Tayci! Yes, there are now officially a few Harry's in our world. That makes you, me, baby Harry, and cat Harry! Ha! Talk to you soon!